No, It disappeared from there and the translation stopped working. I don’t know why. It is in my plugins but not there.
And now there is something that has the name main… and I don’t know what is this
This reply was modified 2 years ago by
this is strange,
if you correctly added filter with new domain: “setsail-tours” than this domain should by able in setting page for select:
This is strange,
if you have correctly added filter with new domain: “setsail-tours” than this domain should be able in setting page: (section: “WordPress core and admin domains”)
It disappeared look the settings here:
and the code here:
But I have to tell you that the theme is setsail, setsail tours is a plugin:
show me “WordPress core and admin domains” section too (settings page), please 🙂
You’ve got something wrong because your code doesn’t work properly:
when you add “$domains[] = “setsail-tours”;”
the name “setsail-tours” will appear in the “WordPress core and admin domains” section. Without this, your translation will still not work. Please add this code: for example in functions.php in your theme.
Good morning,
That’s exactly my problem, as mentioned before, the plugin is like it’s not installed at all.
As you can see here the plugin setsail tours and the plugin setsail core, renamed in the TTfP settings as “main”. I can’t understand why.
and the translations of TTfP “main” don’t work of course as you can see here I have the translation
I can understant this, because the plugin is not main but setsail-tours.
In setsail-tours plugin the code of strings is (‘string’, ‘setsail-tours’) as you can see here.
So I tried the to add “$domains[] = “main”;” but still nothing.
Why and how the plugin renamed in TTfP settings is a mystery.
@elliv1989 I still have no idea how to help you 🙁
yeah, me neither yet. But I’ll figure it out and when I will, I’ll let you know.