• It was a gem, now it’s not working anymore. Chat widget is not sending notifications on mobile + operating hours are not active unless you are constantly logged in to the dashboard

    An app that needs you to babysit it 24h isn’t reliable anymore.

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Support olektidio


    Hi there! Thank you for the review. If you want to be seen online within your Operating Hours – your Tidio panel needs to be opened up or, in the case of the mobile app – running in the background. I’m afraid that otherwise the status of the operator may not be switched automatically.

    As for the notifications issue, please contact us support@tidio.net, our Team will do their best to help.

    Thread Starter devsaredead


    hello, so you are basically confirming that the latest update has made changes, because I didn’t need to stand by my website with the Tidio panel open in order to have the operating hours running. But seriously, who does?

    For the notifications, I have sent about 10 emails and have not received any reply. The battery settings are not working and the mobile is not receving notifications anymore. Only test notifications but not real ones coming from my website.

    Thread Starter devsaredead


    lowering to 1 star:

    • notifications not working anymore
    • operating hours not automatic anymore (you must have Tidio web dashboard always open)
    • support only reserved to premium customers

    Plugin Support olektidio


    Hello there!

    Please accept apologies for the delay in getting back to you. The operating hours setup always required having the panel opened or an app running to ensure proper functioning. I’m afraid without these requirements met, the status will not be updated according to the settings.

    As for the support, we offer live chat support to subsribed users only. However, in case of any questions you can use our support email, which is support@tidio.net. Please contact us with it so we can check the notifications issue you are experiencing. Thank you in advance!

    Thread Starter devsaredead


    Never too late 🙂 I ALWAYS had my operating hours working, just by having my app running in background on my mobile. The website was reflecting this and acted correctly… until the last update. I’m sure my mobile settings are correct. And yet, if I have the Tidio panel open, notifications in my mobile don’t arrive anymore.
    I have sent a dozen email to support@tidio.net

    Thread Starter devsaredead


    I have resolved it by counterswitching the settings. It’s unbelievable that your app documentation/troubleshooting is WRONG! The app must be into a do consent status in the “battery optimization settings”, which is the opposite of what you suggest (i.e. “do not consent”)

    Thread Starter devsaredead


    I have not resolved anything. For some reasons everything is back as it was: no notifications, no live chat, no operating hours even when logged into Tidio (which is already crazy on its own, as the chat should work also when I’m not at my PC).

    I confirm my one star rating: Tidio does not work anymore. They scr*ed it for good with the last update.

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