Where on the site do you have the form having the issue?
See Editing form template
What content do you have in the Form tab panel?
“Запазете своето място за безплатната 5-дневна работилница
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Подобрете онлайн присъствието на бизнеса си и генерирайте повече потенциални клиенти
[text* Name class:name-field placeholder “Име (на кирилица)”]
[text* Last-Name class:name-field placeholder “Фамилия”]
[email* Email class:email-field placeholder “Имейл”]
[acceptance accept-this-1] Запознат съм и приемам Политиката за сигурност [/acceptance]
[acceptance accept-this-2] Съгласен съм да получавам информационни и маркетингови имейли[/acceptance]
[submit id:submit class:submit-message “Запазете своето място”]
Информацията Ви е 100% защитена.”
Which browser do you use? What if you use a different browser? Do you see the same autofil?
It is not only my browser. I have running facebook ads campaign and 40% of the people are coming this way. My autofil works properly but for example my husband’s phone is not and it fills first and last name in the first field and then again the last name in the second field. It is very frustrating as I manualy have to edit the entries. So do you know how I can stop the autofil on the First Name & last name fields?
Honestly I don’t get what you are saying about. I myself see no “autofil” on the site.
Hi again. Could you please suggest what I can do as this is horrible. I have to go and edit 40% of the entries manually and delete the last name from the First name field. And I have automations after the registration and the first email people receive from me is Hi, First and Last Name which is not good. I need to have only the First name in the firstname field. So how I can stop the autofil so people manually enter their names?
You can see a screenshot how the autofil is filling both fields here The first field contains the first AND last name, and the second field – the last name. This should NOT be like this. It should be first field – only the first name, and second field – the last name. Please advice how I can fix this?
I still can’t reproduce the “autofil” thing and am uncertain about what the problem you explain is, but, I wonder why you think the first field should contain the first name only.
[text* Name class:name-field placeholder “Име (на кирилица)”]
[text* Last-Name class:name-field placeholder “Фамилия”]
The field name is “Name”, so I think it is rather natural that the browser is expected to fill user’s full name into the field.
So how should I put it in order for the browser to know it must be the first name only?