@davidgmiles I just responded to a support request 5 minutes ago… Are you the same one who opened that ticket?
I sent in a load of questions via the drift plugin on your site …
They were …
Hi – wondering if Easy Query Pro could be used to replace Toolset Views on my site
Site is https://natureslens.co.uk/
Menu structure is all driven by views
So I need to be able to filter events (CPT) by those that are upcoming only – and then sort them via a custom field
Literally everything else is a variant on that (with varying degrees of information shown)
Take that view and filter by location taxonomy
Take that view and filter by guide taxonomy
Take that view and filter by keyword taxonomy
Take that view and filter by year taxonomy
Take that view and filter by continent taxonomy
Take that view and filter by season taxonomy
Take that view and filter by event type taxonomy
I currently use Toolset Types and Views
But wish to move to ACF and another Query tool – hence looking at yours
Im just not sure what Toolset Views is… I don’t have to investigate it.
In the email response, I mentioned to take the free plugin for a spin first… the Pro version has Meta and Taxonomy queries which it appears you need so if you can get a query going with the free plugin, then Pro should do fine as well.
Hope that helps.
I can get a basic query working in the basic plugin – but the main data that I want to display is all off custom taxonomies and ACF fields – so the big question is can it query & display using those
E.g. the biggest aspect is
StartDate is a datetime field and year is a string
Show events when today <= startdate and year = a passed in year parameter
Show events when today <= startdate and year > a passed in year parameter
Yes it can. If you buy it and it doesn’t work I can help or provide a refund.
That is ideal for me then
Ok great. Let me know if you have any issues or questions.