• I would like to serve static stuff like images from a different domain so it won’t clog things up with useless cookies.

    I have a multisite installation, y’know the usual,
    domain.com is the main blog, blog1.mydomain.com, blog2.mydomain.com etc.

    I thought it would be better to create a static subdomain of a completely separate domain, so I created static.otherdomain.com and made it point to my blog root.

    So now when you pull up static.otherdomain.com in a browser it now goes to the main page of the main blog and says registrations are disabled. That’s OK because I would never use that URL naked, but the problem is that if you say something like http://static.otherdomain.com/wp-content/blogdir/1/ no matter what you put after static.otherdomain.com in the URL it always serves the registrations disabled page. I do not want to enable registrations what I would like is for the images to be served from the new domain.

    What should I do now? Is there something I could do in .htaccess or in the server config for the new subdomain?

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  • Put this in your config file:

    define( 'NOBLOGREDIRECT', 'http://yourdomain.com/' );

    Then it won’t redirect to the closed registration page.

    And if the subdomain is not a virtual one, put he record for that in Apache *before* the wildcard record. that’s why WP is looking for it.

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