• Resolved trader4300


    Rather new to WP, so when I started my website, it was a learning process. I am running the storefront theme along with woocommerce plugin. Then I learned that to use the checkout plugins, I need to have a SSL certificate. So I bought one and had my host provider install it. Now, when I look around the site, I notice that only “My Account” actually has the HTTPS prefix associated with it. Every other page, as well as the home page, is only “HTTP” prefix associated with it. I asked my host provider to make the whole site under the certificate and I was told that since I asked for this certificate after the site was already mostly completed, that I now have to go in and manually change all the links within the site from HTTP to HTTPS for the links that point internally to my site. They say that they cant force it from the server end because it will “break” wordpress.
    Soooooooo, my question is, should I really try to attempt to fix this myself? I think I might get into more trouble than I have now if I change the wrong link etc… Is there a tool/plugin that makes this task easier? Have any of you run into this issue before? If so, what do you suggest?
    BTW, I dont mind digging into the code. I just am not that familiar with the file structure of WP and where the files reside etc… For example, I am having a hell of a time just figuring out how the home page is rendered. That is the page with all the links to the pages etc. So your help is badly needed. I thank you in advance!

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  • Hi,

    SSL is an issue, try to setup/force wp-config.php (wp-config has a special parameter for SSL) and if needed your .htaccess to redirect to the right url.


    Thread Starter trader4300


    According to my hosting support, if they try to force the site to HTTPS, it will “break”. This is what I am trying to substantiate. I don’t like what I have been told to do which is to modify every link that points to any http:// links within my site. My changes would just be overwritten unless I have a child file for every change I need to make. Seems like way too much work for a simple task. Has any of you been thru this before?

    Thread Starter trader4300


    It appears to my novice eyes that my .htaccess file has SSL turned on. I just do not know why the root site and all the pages except “My Account” are not under SSL. Please take a look.
    My site is https://www.goodolddayscountryshop.com/WPstore/
    Also, here is my .htaccess file:

    # BEGIN WPSuperCache
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    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /WPstore/
    #If you serve pages from behind a proxy you may want to change 'RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on' to something more sensible
    AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
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    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
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    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
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    # END WordPress

    [Moderator Note: Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    Having the exact same issue and I am a rookie! My problem is with all the images I downloaded from my hard drive…I have no idea how to make them https. I tried deleting them from my media folder on wp and reuploading, but that is not the solution. I’m with hostgator and they tell me I have to do it all manually too, but have no idea what to do! ugh.

    @wadeebunch: If you require assistance then, as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic instead of tagging onto someone else’s topic.

    Thread Starter trader4300


    Well, at least that sort of verifies my concerns that the host provider may not be able to correct this issue. But it still seems to me that they have the expertise to do it, they just choose not to. Need someone to confirm this. Also, if I do manage to make all these changes, won’t they all get written over if wordpress or my theme gets updated? I know that I will have to create a child theme and download any files that I need to modify to get around this but it seems like way too much work for this. I am looking into it. I still am trying to learn how this main page gets rendered and how the links to the various pages show up on my webpage. So far, the code I see that needs to be modified is showing up in the CACHE directories and it doesn’t seem to me that those are the files I need to change.
    ANYONE, please chime in here to lead me in the right direction…

    @esmi – thanks and I will – I was commenting on trader4300 because he asked if anyone else had this problem.

    trader4300 – when you installed your ssl, did you “flush DNS”? {I act like I know what I’m talking about, but I don’t – I was just told to do so πŸ™‚ }

    Hostgator told me that was my first step. Then after asking them why it wasn’t working, as in your case, this is their response.

    “it appears that the SSL certificate appears to be malfunctioning is because there are non-secure items on the webpage. This can be fixed by updating your image and page links to include the HTTPS prefix. Once all non-secure items are updated, this should fix the broken padlock.

    You can use following link to know more about non-secure items: https://www.whynopadlock.com

    If you are still facing problem in updating non-secure items then please contact your webmaster or website builder to update this so that you can get secure lock for your site.”

    My issue appears to be all in the images I uploaded previous to the ssl certificate being installed. So I deleted and reuploaded and this didn’t work. Then I saw your post and thought I might learn something here….now I’m going to send a message to where I bought the theme and see what they say. I’ll let you know if I find anything out, if you would please do the same – but keep in mind, I do not know coding πŸ™‚


    Thread Starter trader4300


    It is easy for a host provider to simply say correct all the issues but these pages are dynamically built and it is not as easy as changing an HTML file.
    I dont know where all the WP support is and why nobody responds.

    Thread Starter trader4300


    As it turns out, this problem was caused by the woocommerce plugin. In the settings tab, there is an option called “Force SSL”. With this set, it causes problems if the host is providing the SSL as I understand it. So by unchecking this box, all my links went to SSL as they should be.
    Hope this helps others that have been following this post that have had the same issue.

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