• rachelhallcompositesone


    Our company website is built on WordPress. We built a landing page on Squarespace and want to add this landing page as a subsite under our main URL. I already contacted squarespace and they directed me to ask on WordPress.

    Can anyone help?

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  • Some themes allow you to have different page layouts and hide headers/footers out of the box. Unfortunately, though, we will not be able to help you through the support forums here on wp.org with something like this. You’re going to be better off contacting the developer of your theme or the developer who helped you build the wordpress site.

    Anita C


    @rachelhallcompositesone if your company website is the main website, you can create your Squarespace landing page on a subdomain of the main domain and then create a CNAME record. Talk to your hosting provider about how to do that.

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