Hi @lalitjindal
I hope you are doing good today.
Does your form use any of those features?
– Honeypot protection
– Akismet spam protection
– Captcha field?
If not, could you test those and see does that helps?
Kind Regards,
Also, I can’t submit with the keywords, but they somehow can.
Is there a way to privately send you the URL? I don’t want to attract even more spam for the website. 😀
Hello @lalitjindal !
You can share the url with us privately using our contact form:
Please use the template below:
Subject: “Attn: Pawel”
Message template:
– Link to the site/page
– Link back to this thread for reference (ex. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/ticket-title/)
– Any other relevant URLs/info
To ensure we don’t miss this please let us know here once you’ve submitted the form.
Kind regards,