• Resolved José Bandos



    the plugin no longer counts posts and is only counting comments. I followed the faq’s and couldn’t solve the problem.
    Can you help to find a solution?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Hi @josebandos,

    I checked your website and noticed that there’s something preventing WordPress Popular Posts from communicating with the REST API. Whenever WPP attempts to update the views count of a post or a page your server responds with a 403 Forbidden error message.

    403 Forbidden server response screenshot

    Please follow the instructions suggested on FAQ: Is WordPress Popular Posts compatible with security / firewall plugins?

    Thread Starter José Bandos


    Hi Héctor,

    thanks for your quick answer, i will follow your advice.

    José Bandos

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Don’t mention it. Please let me know if you find what’s causing the issue.

    Thread Starter José Bandos


    Hello Héctor,

    i can’t find what’s causing the issue.

    Thank you

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Hi @josebandos,

    Try following these troubleshooting instructions to check whether the issue is being caused by one of your plugins and/or some code in your theme and report back your results.

    Thread Starter José Bandos


    Hi Héctor,

    i followed the troubleshooting instructions and i didn’t found the what causes the issue.

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    That’s odd. Alright, let’s try this next: please go to your WP Dashboard > Settings > WordPress Popular Posts > Debug, take a screenshot of that page (or copy the content you see there) and share it here so I can have a look.

    Thread Starter José Bandos


    Here is the debug content

    Plugin Configuration
    Performance Nag: Inactive
    Log Limit: No
    Log Views From: Everyone
    Data Caching: Yes, 1 minute
    Data Sampling: No
    External object cache: No
    System Info
    PHP version: 7.4.24
    PHP extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, filter, hash, pcntl, readline, Reflection, SPL, session, standard, cgi-fcgi, bcmath, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, ftp, gd, iconv, imap, json, mbstring, mysqlnd, PDO, Phar, posix, SimpleXML, sockets, sqlite3, tokenizer, xml, xmlwriter, xsl, mysqli, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, xmlreader
    Database version: 5.7.35
    InnoDB availability: DEFAULT
    WordPress version: 5.8.1
    Multisite: No
    Active plugins: Advanced Ads 1.29.0, Advanced Ads Pro 2.14.1, Advanced Ads – Responsive Ads 1.10.2, Advanced Ads – Slider 1.4, Advanced Ads – Tracking 2.1.3, Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced) 5.6.0, All Meta Tags 4.47, Antispam Bee 2.10.0, Classic Editor 1.6.2, Classic Widgets 0.2, Contact Form 7 5.4.2, Contact Form CFDB7, Custom Login Page by SeedProd 1.0.3, Duplicate Page 4.4.5, Font Awesome 4.0.4, Gemius Audience for WordPress 1.2.2, Health Check & Troubleshooting 1.4.5, Imsanity 2.7.2, Instant Articles for WP 4.2.1, League Table 2.09, Loco Translate 2.5.4, Modal Window 5.1.1, Molongui Authorship 4.3.10, Note Press 0.1.10, Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags 3.1.1, Paperview Publisher 0.8.3, Quantcast Choice 2.0.4, Redirection for Contact Form 7 2.3.5, Regenerate Thumbnails 3.1.5, Site Kit by Google 1.42.0, SportsPress 2.7.8, SportsPress for Football (Soccer) 0.9.6, tagDiv Cloud Library 1.7 | built on 29.07.2021 15:10, tagDiv Composer 2.8 | built on 29.07.2021 15:10, tagDiv Social Counter 4.9 | built on 10.08.2021 12:19, tagDiv Standard Pack 1.2 | built on 29.07.2021 15:10, Trending/Popular Post Slider and Widget 1.5.3, User Profile Picture 2.6.0, Webpushr Push Notifications 4.27.0, WordPress Popular Posts 5.4.2, XML Sitemap & Google News 5.2.7
    Theme: Newspaper Child theme (9.0c) by tagDiv
    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Thanks José, unfortunately nothing from your Debug screen really stands out.

    Here are a couple of things you may want to check:

    • There may be some rules in your .htaccess file that are blocking access to the REST API (or at least to WPP’s REST API endpoints), or
    • Your hosting may be actively blocking WPP’s REST API endpoints for some reason (and if so you should contact them and see what they say).

    It might be a good idea to reach out to your regular developer (or whoever is currently in charge of maintaining your website) and ask them for further assistance with all this as well.

    If there’s anything else I can do to help don’t hesitate to ask, alright?

    Thread Starter José Bandos


    Thanks for your help.

    I will try to understand what cause the issue, because for me it’s the best plugin. When i have good news i will tell you.

    Best regards

    José Bandos

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Awesome, please do let me know if you find out what’s causing this. I’d really appreciate it. And thanks for your kind words, I’m glad that you like my plugin!

    Thread Starter José Bandos


    Hi Héctor,

    I spoke with the hosting services and they had blocked the plugin because on September 26th there were elections we were having 300 requests per second and it was necessary to stabilize the server.

    Now it is working well, as we are a newspaper we sometimes have problems with viral news which requires emergency measures by the hosting service.

    If you have any suggestions to avoid future problems feel free to tell.

    Thank you for your help and for your time.

    José Bandos

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Hi José,

    That’s great news! Thanks for letting me know.

    If you have any suggestions to avoid future problems feel free to tell.

    If your hosting provider offers Redis, Memcached and/or APCu then using the Pageviews Cache will help performance a lot. If that’s not possible then I’d recommend using Data Sampling instead which should help your website maintain good performance levels too. (But use or the other, don’t need to use both at the same time).

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