Can you check your PHP error logs as well as your browser console log to see if here are any related error messages?
Also, if you hit the reload on the widget that didn’t load does it refresh correctly?
On loading the “overview” page, there are following errors in the console (IE):
CSS3111: Unbekannter Fehler in “@font-face”.
CSS3120: Es sind keine Schriftarten für die @font-face-Regel verfügbar.
load-styles.php (0,37)
HTTP500: SERVERFEHLER: Es ist ein unerwarteter Zustand aufgetreten, sodass der Server die Anforderung nicht erfüllen kann.
(XHR)POST – https://xxxxx/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
(via Google Chrome)
POST https://xxxxx/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 500 ()
send @ load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.7.2:4
ajax @ load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.7.2:4
wp_statistics_get_widget_contents @ log.min.js?ver=4.7.2:1
(anonymous) @ admin.php?page=wps_overview_page:298
i @ load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.7.2:2
fireWith @ load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.7.2:2
ready @ load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.7.2:2
K @ load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.7.2:2
> HTTP500: SERVERFEHLER: Es ist ein unerwarteter Zustand aufgetreten, sodass der Server die Anforderung nicht erfüllen kann.
(XHR)POST – https://xxxxx/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
That would look to be the issue, the ajax call is failing. Can you check your server side webserver/PHP log at the same time and see if there are any clues?
Did this get resolved, I have same issue. Summary Graph never loads, just spins and spins. – I’m using 1and1 hosting. It worked until about a few weeks ago. I can’t give you exact date, as I don’t check it too frequently.
@gwblok you might want to look at your PHP logs and see if there are any errors.
If you hit the reload button on the widget does the data load?
Sorry for the long wait – took some time to get in contact with our server admin.
Here’s the log line:
[Mon Mar 13 14:22:13.656326 2017] [:error] [pid 23928] [client] PHP 10. mysqli_fetch_object() /var/www/xxxxxx/blog/wp-includes/wp-db.php:1841, referer: https://xxxxxx/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wps_overview_page
Well that doesn’t say very much, there should probably be some additional lines around it that give some more detail about the error.