• I, as many others, occasionally want an category archive page to show previews of its subcategories only. Not previews of the subcategories’ posts.

    After searching hi and lo for a solution for a hour I found nothing useful (too old posts, etc).

    So I came up with a “solution” that’s more of a workaround. It’s OK for my purposes and as I understand that many others are in dire need of a similar fix, I thought I’d post my findings:

    1. Create a new page. This will act as the parent “category”.
    2. Create a new category for each “subcategory” you plan to have. Don’t save it under any parent category.
    3. Create a custom menu instead of a default one by e.g. using the menu widget or edit the source code.
    4. Add the page (that’ll act as parent “category”) to the menu.
    5. Edit the page. Create “previews” of the “subcategories” in it. Use html and css to tweak it into the look/feel of regular posts if you wish. Add links to the “subcategories” (http;//your-site.com/category/ and then the category’s permalink, e.g. my-category so it’ll look http;//your-site.com/category/my-category/)

    It works for me as I don’t have more than a dozen “subcategories” in one single “parent category” and didn’t have to spend more than an hour to set it up. If you’re having tons of parents and subs and need to edit them often, I suppose it’ll be a pita anyway.

    Hope it helps…

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