You can make a shortcode that displays a slideshow. You can fully configure the slideshow in Table II-B and Table IV-B of the Photo ALbums -> Settings admin page.
example shortcode: [wppa type="slide" album="5"]
You can specify whether the slideshow should start running or not, and you can specify various types of navigation.
If you want to open the slideshow at a photo different from the first, specify the id of the photo wanted, like: [wppa type="slide" album="5" photo="123"]
Hi Jacob,
hmmm I don’t want to have a slideshow shown inside the Blog-Text. Want to have a single picture and when open this possibility to go forward/back inside these.
Seems I use wrong explanation, sorry.
BR Juergen
Soory, but i do not understand. A single photo is a single photo, and if you want forward/backward you have what we call a slideshow.
You can suppress navigation bars, filmstrip etc., so just displaying the image with the navigation buttons.
See this example:
sorry, seems my explantion is not so good 🙁 please let’s try again.
if you look here: perfect working you see scroll little down 11 single pictures from WP-Media-gallery, now make one photo big you can go from one to another.
If you look here: not so good working you see also several single photos from your albums. Now make one of them big you can only see this ony you make big and not move from one to another.
Ok, now i see what you mean. I will make type="mphoto"
a ‘set’ for lightbox, also (separate) sets for type="photo"
and type="xphoto"
in the next version.
Thanks, Jacob 🙂
So, my first thought was correct, this function works only “for other photo” or “for your album photos”. Great that you try to find a way it works for both 🙂
Hi Jacob,
you are the greatest! 🙂
Just updated and it works perfect without any changes in setup.
Many thanks!
Best regards