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  • Plugin Author simonpedge


    I’ve never heard of, or had that problem reported before with Slide Anything
    (and as far as issues go that’s a big one and I’d have received a ton of support threads/emails if this was in fact an issue with SA 😉 ).

    I can only guess possibly:
    1) maybe you have a content restriction (membership) plugin that restricts blocks on your page depending on user level, or
    2) possibly you have another slider plugin running on this page that also uses Owl Carousel, that is clashing with SA. If this is the case, then try deactivating this other plugin – this will test whether there is in fact a clash.

    Hi, did you solve the problem? I have the same issue and i don’t have membership plugins or any other sliders installed. But i think the problem seems to be the Advanced Custom Fields Plugin. My theme is the _S skeleton-theme.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by ddalex.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by ddalex.
    Plugin Author simonpedge


    Well there is an easy way to test whether ‘Advanced Custom Fields’ is causing the clash. Disable the plugin and then test. (you can re-enable ‘Advanced Custom Fields’ after this test).

    If this does not solve the issue, then try activating another theme to see if there is a clash with the theme (you can always switch back to the Skeleton theme), and try deactivation other plugins. There will be a specific plugin or theme that causing this issue/clash – Slide Anything is running fine on 1000s of sites, so this is a result of a clash with some specific plugin/theme – and I would appreciate it if you identify the ‘culprit’.

    Hi Simon, well, i’ve got it. jquery was only loaded when i was logged in, so there is now problem with ACF. I actually thought jquery would be automatically loaded by WP if a plugin needs it, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

    So, if the slider is only shown when you’re logged in, just register jquery with wp_enqueue_script. 🙂

    Thread Starter gauravmca


    In my case, I have not using ACF plugin and I have checked by deactivating plugins one by one but still facing this issue.

    Plugin Author simonpedge


    Ok the issue seems to come about when your WP Install/Theme is not loading JQuery on the Front-End – WordPress comes with JQuery built-in.

    So if you view page source on the front-end (right-click and select ‘view source’), and do a search for:

    If this is not being found, then there’s an issue. Slide Anything requires jQuery, as do many other WP plugins and Themes.

    Thread Starter gauravmca


    I just checked and the file was there. Here is the link of jquery from my site –

    Plugin Author simonpedge


    You getting any JavaScript Errors?
    (press CTRL+SHIT+J keys to show JS Console)

    Also have you tried checking the ‘Use window.onload event’ checkbox (under ‘other settings’) for your SA slider?

    Thread Starter gauravmca


    Ohh yes I see this error in case of not login –

    ErrorUtils caught an error: “<![EX[[“Tried to listen to element of type %s from %s: %s”,”click”,”Error”,”C…”. Subsequent errors won’t be logged; see

    But I have deactivated the Custom Facebook Feeds plugin but still facing this issue in console.

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