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  • Plugin Author Steve Truman


    Hello szopia

    Thank you for the links.

    re this:
    ” I have class ikautora – it shows photo of author. The thumb doesn’t load, so I decided to exclude this class. Unfortunately, the problem still exist.”

    szopia looking at your site with inspector – the reason that the author thumbnail class ikautora is not excluded is because it is wrapped in an <a> tag and not an image tag.

    This is what i mean

    <a style="width: 40px; position: relative; overflow: hidden;" class="ikautora" href=""><img height="80" width="80" data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="Wyrzykowski Paweł" class="lazy-hidden attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" src="" scale="0"><span class="image-overlay overlay-type-extern" style="display: none;"><span class="image-overlay-inside"></span></span></a>

    I do not know what is making that – Theme theme or another plugin. But with that in place here are your options.

    Exclude the WordPress class

    the only issue with using the global class from WordPress is that is will apply to all image thumbnails

    The best way to do it is to should ask the theme developer to add a custom class for your author image (or not wrap the existing one in an <a> tag) and then you can exclude that class.

    Re this:
    “I use product filters by attributes (I added it today and there is only few categories to pick up, but it shows my problem). When I filter something the photos didn’t load.”

    The problem occurs because that content is loaded by ajax and the a3 Lazy Load core script does not support content loaded by ajax.

    szopja again you should talk to the developer who make that plugin and ask him to add compatibility with a3 lazy Load for their content loaded by ajax.

    We have included hooks and filters in the plugin to make that relatively easy to do. You can give them this script to apply it

    <?php if ( function_exists( 'a3_lazy_load_enable' ) ) { ?>
    <?php } ?>

    While you wait for the developer to do that you can exclude lazy load on images on the product pages with this class


    I hope all of that helps you. Please let me know if you have any more questions or need any further clarification of what I have posted.


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