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  • Thread Starter TerraConnect


    The plugin seems to enter in conflict with BJ Lazy Load plugin. I have just seen that on my homepage, thumbnails were not displayed anymore. The src attribute was missing also srcset and sizes are present. Deactivating BJ Lazy Load made everything go back to normal.

    Plugin Contributor Joe McGill


    Hi. For now, the sizes attribute will only be added to images that have been added to your content after updating to version 2.2 of the plugin. Can you confirm that the sizes attribute is added to any new images you add to a post?

    Also, can you tell me what the image markup was for your thumbnails when you were seeing the conflict with BJ Lazy Load so I can look into the issue for you?


    Thread Starter TerraConnect


    Hi Joe and thanks for the answer.

    I confirm that newly embedded images, whether they come from the media library or are freshly uploaded, do have the sizes attribute. Thanks for that.

    As regards homepage images, here is their markup, when BJ Lazy Load is disable:

    <img width="1280" height="540" src="" sizes="(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px" srcset=" 1280w" class="attachment-serene-featured-image wp-post-image" alt="Message to the mail man par gajman - (CC BY 2.0)">

    compared to when BJ Lazy Load is enabled:

    <img src="" data-lazy-type="image" data-lazy-src="" sizes="(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px" srcset=" 1280w" class="lazy lazy-hidden attachment-serene-featured-image wp-post-image" alt="Message to the mail man par gajman - (CC BY 2.0)" height="540" width="1280">

    Does that help you?

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