I had troubles with Siteground background
Volunteers here has no control of Siteground. Therefore, it’s between you and Siteground.
they restore all the backups (last video)
Seems as they restored all backups 🙂
I was wondering what do you think of this?
These forums are for supporting those experiencing problems with their WordPress websites (WordPress code, and add-ons from this site such as plugins and themes), not with Siteground.
Thread Starter
Yes, they did. But I was not able to restore backup for 2 days. In that time I could not work on the website. That is just not ok for me… asking for backup for more than 16 hours in two days.
They also point me to “the professional web developers”. I thought that they are profesionals. Well, that is why I ask here for help.
Just one more question about wordpress 6.3: in this video: – how could that happened, that WordPress 6.3 was on Siteground cca. 9. – 12.8., but in minutes 3.25-4.10 in this video, you can see that backup from 5.8. restored WP 6.3.
How is that possible?
They also point me to “the professional web developers”. I thought that they are profesionals. Well, that is why I ask here for help.
If you want to follow that option and hire someone for this, then please try and do not accept any hire or direct access offers posted to these forums.
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This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by t-p.