• Hi,

    WP Super Cache has stopped working on one of my sites and I’m having trouble diagnosing the cause.

    The debug shows the following:

    13:04:53 /wp-content/cache/04e5d4d85f904dd3982e77e1cd64ffc4.txt Output buffer callback
    13:04:53 /wp-content/cache/04e5d4d85f904dd3982e77e1cd64ffc4.txt 404 file not found not cached
    13:04:53 /wp-content/cache/04e5d4d85f904dd3982e77e1cd64ffc4.txt wp_cache_maybe_dynamic: returned $buffer
    13:04:53 /wp-content/cache/04e5d4d85f904dd3982e77e1cd64ffc4.txt wp_cache_shutdown_callback: collecting meta data.
    13:04:53 /wp-content/cache/04e5d4d85f904dd3982e77e1cd64ffc4.txt Did not write meta file: wp-cache-b322ad747c048d4ec69cd058e736b195.meta ** *1* **
    13:04:55 /?custom-css=1&csblog=1&cscache=6&csrev=33 Output buffer callback
    13:04:55 /?custom-css=1&csblog=1&cscache=6&csrev=33 No closing html tag. Not caching.
    13:04:55 /?custom-css=1&csblog=1&cscache=6&csrev=33 wp_cache_maybe_dynamic: returned $buffer
    13:04:55 /?custom-css=1&csblog=1&cscache=6&csrev=33 wp_cache_shutdown_callback: collecting meta data.
    13:04:55 /?custom-css=1&csblog=1&cscache=6&csrev=33 Did not write meta file: wp-cache-0881c424de10ca1bd684f52944d8e5ae.meta ** *1* **

    I have tried disabling all of my plugins, but the issue persists. I’ve also searched through my theme files looking for ‘ob_start()’, but there were no matches.

    I’ve also tried adding <?php while (ob_end_flush()) {} ?> to the end of my theme’s footer.php file, but to no avail.

    The plugins I have installed are:
    wp-super-cache, content-aware-sidebars, jetpack, rvg-optimize-database, contact-form-7, breadcrumb-navx, all-in-one-seo-pack, akismet, gd-bbpress-tools, bbpress-string-swap, bbpress, wp-math-captcha, cloudflare, restrict-content-pro, add-featured-image-to-rss-feed, syntaxhighlighter, wordpress-backup-to-dropbox, gd-bbpress-attachments, quick-pagepost-redirect-plugin, broken-link-checker, wp-pagenavi, bbpress-enable-tinymce-visual-tab, maintenance-mode, bbpress-new-topic-notifications, limit-login-attempts, personal-favicon, no-self-ping, ap-extended-mime-types.

    There are other WordPress installs on this server on which WP Super Cache is working fine, so this isn’t an environmental issue.

    Any help or advice you can share would be appreciated.


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