Hi relync,
Thanks for your great review 🙂
You can use the Custom CSS box to change the layout of the filter.
Usually, you have two filter-elements (like fulltext-search or the radio-button-group or the checkbox-group) in one row.
.sf-element {
width: 100%;
would insert each group into one row and you would not have the column-layout no more.
.sf-checkbox-wrapper > label {
display: block;
float: left;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 25%;
This would put for checkbox fields in one row.
I hope, this helps you.
Thread Starter
I seem to have a serious problem…
The filters are stacked on top of each other without me putting anything in the Custom CSS box!
The 4 filters are arranged on top of each other when i did not even key in anything.
Also, nothing happened when i keyed it into the CSS box.
The search results layout are also wrong. 1 column seems fine, but for 2 column, all the results are on the left and nothing on the right. Same goes for 3 column and 4 column layout; the column on the extreme right is empty.
Re-installed the plugin and nothing changed.
What should i check in the styles.css?
Sorry for all the trouble! Really loved the plugin but all the issues pop up when i’m adding new filters… So frustrating.