• Hi all, hoping i’m writing this in the right place.
    Suppose you have this category tree: Web, Web -> Development, Web -> News, Development
    As you can see there are two “Development” category (of course this is only an example) the one as child of the “Web” category and the one as child of root.
    Click on “Add new” topic and in the category list you’ll see this:
    |_| Development
    |_| Web
    |_| –Development
    |_| –News

    So you will check the Web->Developmente category because this topic talks about web development. Save the topic and reopen it. Now you see this:
    |v| Development
    |_| Development
    |_| Web
    |_| –News

    It’s now impossible to distinguish between Web->Development and Developmente categories. How to solve? Is this a known bug? Is there a patch? Thanks for your replies… and sorry for my bad english 😀

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