Plugin Author
Can you give me a shortcode example?
Sorry Katie, I was asking if such a shortcode actually exists. I did not find one when looking at the Zotpress help. It would be very helpful to display the number of items in a subcollecton on a website. Something like:
[zotpress itemsincollection=”GMGCJU34″]
Would it be hard to add such a feature?
Plugin Author
I was wondering if it was for the Library shortcodes or the Collections shortcode. I think a standalone would be too rare … but I could add an attribute to hide/show totals for those shortcodes, if that would work?
Ah ok, I was talking especially about the collections. The best would be to be able to position the number of items wherever I need it, e.g. somewhere in the text of a webpage. This way I could refer to the number of citations in a subcollection and if new citations are added there, the total number of citations would be auto-updated in my text. But as you say this would require an extra shortcode. If I understand, you prefer to display it e.g like this:
20 items
then the items follow
Do I understand correctly?
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
Plugin Author
Yes, similar to how it’s displayed in the library dropdown. Are you using the shortcode to display a list of collections? Maybe I could add on to that. Otherwise it might be one of those rarer cases (and some work + complexity to add).
Which shortcode do you mean, I am not sure. I only use
[zotpress collection=”XYZ” sortby=”date” order=”desc” target=”new”]
and now need to somehow get the number of items of that collection “XYZ”.
BTW, you are displaying that numbers in the Zotpress backend when I go to the BROWSE tab and then under “Your Library” I see a dropdown that currently has two items: “Top Level” and “All Citations (21 Subcollections, 0 items)”. Then I select the “All Citations” and in the dropdown I see the subcollections “Citations A (7 items)”, “Citations B (12 items)”, etc.
So the numbers I need to display on my site through some shortcode are the 7, the 12, etc. Right now I update them by hand for all 21 subcollections, but this is much work as new items are added regularly 🙁
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by