Display Posts can work with any event calendar plugin. You simply need to know:
– The post type used to store the events
– The post meta field used to store the event date
I haven’t used Events Manager before and can’t find the above information from a quick glance at their documentation.
If you can find out that information from their support, I’ll write a tutorial on how to show events from that plugin using Display Posts.
You can share with them these tutorials so they can see the information I need:
– https://displayposts.com/2019/01/04/display-upcoming-events-from-the-events-calendar/
– https://displayposts.com/2019/01/03/display-upcoming-events-from-sugar-event-calendar/
Thread Starter
Thanks Bill,
I asked Events Manager support for the requested information and got this reply:
“as for the custom post type (cpt) used, EM uses ‘event’ as cpt name and with regards to event date post meta fields you can try _event_start_date and _event_end_date”
Thanks for your response and for a great plugin.
Try adding this to your theme’s functions.php file: https://gist.github.com/billerickson/5238bae72ce0c21ca458c577c6b390e8
Then display upcoming events using [display-posts post_type=”event”]
If it doesn’t work, ask Events Manager support what format the time is stored in the database and how best to sort by it.
I’m assuming they are storing a UNIX timestamp and so we can get upcoming events using a meta query for posts with _event_end_date > time()