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  • Make the following changess:

    In models/button.php line 60 and 62:
    before {{via}} {{tailoring}}

    and in line 300:
    Change the replacements array for the following:

    $replacements = array(
                    "{{url}}" => urlencode( wp_get_shortlink( $wp_query->post->ID ) ),
                    "{{rawurl}}" => wp_get_shortlink( $wp_query->post->ID )

    Also in line 959 of /flare.php:
    Change it to:

    $count_url = admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) . "?action={$namespace}_get_counts&url=" . urlencode( wp_get_shortlink( $wp_query->post->ID ) ) . "&post_id={$wp_query->post->ID}&_wpnonce=" . wp_create_nonce( "{$this->namespace}-get-counts" );

    In order to get the real flare stats values of the short url.

    Hope it helps

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