• Resolved soflomaryann


    I am adding new user through core WordPress Users with a “Bill-To” and “Ship-To” address. We sell wholesale to Dealers who often have multiple stores i.e. ship-to address. When I go to their profile (using their login) I see the primary ship to address. I try to add a 2nd ship-to to the address book, it accepts the address but does not actually show up in the address book. Then I tried placing an order and selected add new address and it seemed to then fill in the new address from memory, or maybe the address book, but then I get an error message saying country is required when both the ship-to and bill-to indicate USA as the country.
    WP v4.9.4
    WOO Commerce v3.3.3
    WooCommerce Address Book v1.3.3
    URL: store.soflomattress.com

    NOTE: A recently closed thread shows another user having same issue regarding req Country and, per thread posts, issue(s) were resolved in v.1.3.1 and 1.3.2. We are now in 1.3.3 and am wondering if this update wiped out previous fixes.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Gary Thayer


    Hi there! You’re right that it looks like a previously reported issue, however there does not appear to have been a code reversion.

    I can not seem to replicate the issue in my staging environment, and it looks like I can not register as a user on your website. Would it be possible to get a login to check it out?

    Thread Starter soflomaryann


    Hi Gary;
    Thanks much. You are correct the site is not quite launched and even when we do we don’t let just anybody register because you have to be an authorized wholesale dealer first.
    We have a Test customer setup. I am going to add “admin” to this role for the short term.

    U/N = Testcustomer P/W = Weare54321!


    Plugin Contributor Gary Thayer


    Hi MaryAnn –

    I was able to log in and add another address without incident: https://cloudup.com/cbAZcFQqYTU

    I was also able to checkout with order #6272. It looks like you already updated to 1.3.4, which I released last night. Maybe the fix was in that?

    By the way, I noticed that your second address line on the address edit pages is required, even through it says it is optional. Have you added any custom fields? I don’t think that this is related to Woo Address Book, but could be a problem with field configurations

    Plugin Contributor Gary Thayer


    BTW – I’ve saved a copy of the login. You may want to delete that so the whole world does not have access to your site.

    Thread Starter soflomaryann


    Thanks Gary. I think the v1.3.4 resolved the issue with one minor issue. Looks like address line #2 is a required field, so if that field is empty the address will not save. Is there any way to change that field to not required?

    Thanks, MaryAnn

    PS I have removed that login from my site because I don’t see a way to delete it from the previous thread.

    Plugin Contributor Gary Thayer


    I’m afraid I don’t know what may be effecting the address field. My guess is you have a plugin or function which is modifying the address fields.

    I noticed you have an extra field on checkout. How was that added? Maybe the issue lies there.

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