Hi @anteroriihimaki,
Try resetting permalink settings to Plain and then back to your custom style to reset your .htaccess file.
If necessary, here are the instructions to properly reinstall the plugin:
– Perform a complete back up of your database before proceeding further
– Delete the file uninstall.php from the plugin directory that is currently on the server (found under /wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar). Deleting this file ensures that when you uninstall the current version of the plugin, your event data and calendar settings will be preserved when you delete the plugin (don’t skip this step – it’s important!)
– Deactivate the All-in-One Event Calendar using your WordPress Dashboard.
– Delete the All-in-One Event Calendar using your WordPress Dashboard.
– Database -> wp_options, click option_name to sort and delete everything with ai1ec_, this will delete plugin settings but events will remain in the database.
– Now install the latest version.
Thanks for the tips Sunny.
However, unfortunately it didn’t work. While I had the plain permalink settings on, I got a Server Misconfigured -page on the settings page. All other pages worked just fine.
When I switched back to my original permalink settings I still get the “page not found” -page instead of settings page. All other pages work just fine.
Is there a way to manually put the settings to the database?
Hi @anteroriihimaki,
What is your website address and your calendar URL?
My website is http://www.anteroriihimaki.org
To be honest, I’m not sure about the calendar url. I just created an event on another website (not yet published) and then wanted to sync the event to the website I mentioned above.
Hi @anteroriihimaki,
By default, the plugin sets this page as your main calenadar page.
On the Settings page, you can change settings but it’s also where you login to the Timely network in order to connect to our API for secondary features/addons to work with your website.
It appears that your host may be blocking time.ly, or, there is something misconfigured on your host’s end.
The alternative solution is that you can use one of our hosted calendars which we’ve designed to run independant of host or platform and free of conflict. The free version is limited to 1 import feed, of 15 events which can be upgraded via Eventboost.
You can take a look here:
Ah, ok I thought you meant some time.ly shared calendar URL.
The calendar url is the default, since I haven’t been able to change it: https://www.anteroriihimaki.org/calendar
I have another wordpress site hosted on the same server, and I got the same error there, so the problem must be the server.
I got the embedded calendar working. But is there a way to translate it?
Hi @anteroriihimaki,
I’d check with your hosting support if they have any ideas about the settings page 404 error.
Translations are on the to-do list for our hosted calendars, but for now you can use a 3rdp party translator like Google Website translator embedded into the Head section of the hosted calendar — but it won’t work if you embed the calendar — you have to use our “custom domain” option to run the calendar — this is only available in Pro, Hublite or Hub calendars: