• Took hours looking for where to set up and add our account info, instead this go to appearance>menus is really the worst set up and useless.
    Hello a SIMPLE setting page not stuff hidden.
    Huge waste of time with an uninstall

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  • Plugin Author Bryan Hadaway


    This review feels disingenuous and retaliatory for what’s actually frustration with yourself for ignoring the instructions (which are front and center and in no way “hidden”).

    If you simply don’t like the idea of using menus for adding social icons, that’s cool, then this plugin simply isn’t for you. But, your review seems to be trying to imply something else, which is false.

    This feels like an abuse of the review system; checking with a mod for a second opinion on that…

    Thread Starter adabob


    Interesting blaming the user, using the menus? Odd out of hundreds of successful plugin installs never came across one that used the Menu’s. It’s not dislike of using the Menu. Problem was all I could see was being able to add it to one of the menu’s that was clear.

    So you’re saving all this plugin does is add the ability to add your social links via URL’s to a menu?

    I looked for instructions in several places.


    Icons are set under Appearance > Menus.
    Simply create a custom menu, add the desired icon names to the respective Link Text/Navigation Labels (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), assign it to SimpleSocial, and use the shortcode [simplesocial]
    You can drag and drop icons in any order you like
    You can set the universal icon size and color under Settings > SimpleSocial


    Add the icons?
    Assign it to “SimpleSocial”?
    Use short code
    I saw all that but still could not obviously make sense of maybe 3 sentences of instructions.

    No screen shots, but I’m hearing install setting on the Menu portion is common.

    “review feels disingenuous and retaliatory for what’s actually frustration with yourself”

    Your plugin instructions feel like you assume too much and then blame the user if they just don’t see what you created and designed but due to unclear instructions you blame the user. Disingenuous? Right, like I’m wasting more time leaving a review for what reason? Because it was not obvious. Retaliatory? What are reviews for? It’s to share your experience and opinion, sorry of it was unclear and made no sense. Don’t assume as that is what is how this all came to be. You assume you’re right and your instructions are common and simple. Then because you can’t be wrong you blame users. Everything is “FEELS” with you. That really sounds factual, reasonable or logical. Feels like you are the “I’m never wrong” type and can’t accept someone is not agreeing with your design.

    Thread Starter adabob


    Bryan, Not trying to cause a problem, goal is to get your attention and help your plugin be better. The instructions I found even visiting your webpage were could not find anything, nothing but the maybe 3 sentences that assumes users (commonly) use the WordPress Menus to set up plugins Sorry not my experience. I thank you for creating the plugin, also that it’s opensource.

    Did not work for me so I gave my honest opinion, Maybe the word “Simple” should not be used as I did not experience or “FEEL” that. Again not trying to start anything only being candid & sincere.

    Plugin Author Bryan Hadaway


    I’m not “blaming” you for anything because there isn’t a problem for which someone can be blamed. Please don’t take it personally that I want to double-check that a review is appropriate (sometimes they’re not and sometimes they’re removed).

    You had a bad experience and you’re entitled to your opinion, but many reviewers aren’t very thoughtful or credible in their reviews. Often, they’re just angry and wish to punish the theme/plugin author as opposed to actually trying to provide constructive criticism or feedback.

    We, as authors, hope that you’ll at least use the support forum to get help before damaging the reputation of our hard work by leaving a 1-star review.

    I understand that using menus for social links is a novel idea, but it’s actually fairly useful, especially for being able to drag and drop the order of icons. There are even some official WordPress themes that support this feature. Also, it’s actually semantically correct; a collection of social links technically is a menu.

    1. If you think that using menus for displaying social icons is the wrong way to implement icons and that a settings page would be better instead, that’s a fair a review.

    2. However, the way I interpreted your review was that as opposed to making that clear upfront that you need to use Menus (which I do), that I was pulling a fast one on you by intentionally hiding that fact, which is objectively false, and therefore unfair.

    Does that distinction make sense? So, if it’s 1, thank you for your feedback, but if it’s 2, I would want to challenge it and see if it’s possible to remove the review.

    I’m right a lot, but I’m also wrong a lot. In fact, I can appreciate being wrong because it’s more useful in terms of learning something new. Regardless, in keeping things fair, sometimes a second opinion from someone with more experience (like a mod) is helpful when you’re unsure. I definitely don’t challenge every bad review; I just am this time because it didn’t seem clear.

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