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  • The order is set regarding to the Order filter of the groups directory, so user has the choice between :
    Last Active
    Most members
    newly created

    In Group Admin you can use the filterable feature of groups table header to reorder by name / number of members or last active.

    I’ll publish an upgrade in a couple of days to include the ajax fix for groups widget and i’ll include a filter so that you can force the filter to what suits you best.

    So after line 313, i’ll add :
    $sticky_sql['order'] = apply_filters( 'bp_sticky_groups_sticky_order', $sticky_sql['order'] );

    Then you’ll be able from your functions.php to force the order the way you want by using a function like this :

    function dgesin_forces_sticky_order( $order = '' ) {
        //as an example applying random order
        return 'ORDER BY rand()';
        /* other "BuddyPress" possibilities are :
        'ORDER BY g.date_created DESC'                  //newly created
        'ORDER BY last_activity DESC'                   // last active
        'ORDER BY CONVERT(gm1.meta_value, SIGNED) DESC' //popular
        'ORDER BY ASC'                           // alphabetical */
    add_filter( 'bp_sticky_groups_sticky_order', 'dgesin_forces_sticky_order', 10, 1 );

    I advise you to use one of these orders.

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