• Grettings,

    I’m implementing a new wordpress blog from a custom legacy system and i need migrate data. I tested using rss extended import and have been successful (only post data) but now i need assign category to each post and this has not resulted. I’m tried adding some tags specified (http://ipggi.wordpress.com/2011/03/16/the-wordpress-extended-rss-wxr-exportimport-xml-document-format-decoded-and-explained/) but i have not been successful.

    Anyone can help me??

    “<wp:category> Contains a complete collection of categories associated with the blog. You can view and edit the list within the Dashboard under Posts, Categories. Each category is given its own <category> element and contains the following 3 child elements.

    <wp:category_nicename> Is the category name in a URL friendly format.
    <wp:category_parent> If the category belongs to a hierarchy then the parent category is listed.
    <wp:cat_name><![CDATA[]]> The original name of the category contained within a <![CDDATA[ ]]>. The CDATA or character data enclosure tells the XML/Rss parser not to process the text contained within. This is a safety measure in case the text contains any illegal characters that could generate errors. http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_cdata.asp&#8221;

    “<category> Each category associated with the blog is given 2 category elements. The first element contains just the category as a name, while the second element contains both the category name and the URL friendly nicename attribute.”

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