• Resolved virtualgeorge


    I have only 2 decals in my store and everything else is much heavier and shipped via ups. I used a flat rate for the decals using a shipping class. Then used the conditional shipping plugin that REMOVES the flat rate if they are ordered with other products. The flat rate displays if ONLY decals are ordered.

    However, if ordered with other products I can just slip the decai in the box so no need for any additional shipping cost for a combined order.

    I have the decals with the flat rate working but how can I remove any ups shipping cost on the order if decals are ordered with other products?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Mirko P.


    Hi @virtualgeorge,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Could you please share a copy of your site’s System Status? You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”. Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.

    Also, please share a screenshot of your shipping class settings as found under WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping.


    Thread Starter virtualgeorge


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    Thread Starter virtualgeorge


    Screenshot of class

    I have a flat rate product that only shows the flat rate if its the only item in cart. When added with other items and it pulls the rate for UPS it charges like $15 for a sticker that is set .01 lbs & the box checked for use letter envelope. Each additional sticker added does not increase shipping charge but $15 for the 1st is too much.

    I want to just NOT charge anything extra for the sticker when added to cart.

    I know there are many free shipping & flexible shipping and discount plugins, which do think may accomplish what I need?

    Thread Starter virtualgeorge


    Ok after screwing around for hours I think this could have been really easy to accomplish 🙂 I only have 2 decals so they are in the “sticker” class.

    I created a flat rate for that class for $10.
    I created another flat rate for that class of $0.

    I use the conditional shipping plugin to hide or show them as needed.
    If only decals are in the cart $10 is displayed. $0 option is always hidden but I guess it is still applied to the products from that class?

    Before I added the additional flat rate of $0, UPS was adding additional shipping cost if someone added a single decal to the cart. Now, even though I have that flat rate option hidden from view and not a choice, it still does what I want and DOES NOT ADD addtional shipping costs when someone adds any amount of decals to the cart.

    That should work right 🙂

    Thread Starter virtualgeorge


    Ok that didn’t work, I guess something was cached that made it work temporarily so I still need help 🙂

    Plugin Support AW a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hey again!

    I’d highly recommend using the support team for the Conditional Shipping plugin you are using, as we are not experts with their plugin.

    Please contact them at WooCommerce.com > My Account > Support. Make sure you select that plugin there in the form, and it will route to the right developers.

    They will be able to help you further there.

    Plugin Support Gabriel – a11n


    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved – if you have any further questions, you can start a new thread.

    Thread Starter virtualgeorge


    I should have mentioned that after installing a different ups shipping plugin, my lightweight item(s) decals were charged the correct amount for shipping and didn’t add much at all to the total so left it that way. It be that my packing method was screwed too but all good now 🙂

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