Automattic Happiness Engineer
Hi there,
The WooCommerce Photography extension is not intended to be used to sell photographs like image repositories (think Shutterstock, for example). This WooCommerce extension is intended for professional photographers who want to share and sell their work with clients – think wedding photographers who can bulk upload images and share a private link with clients who could then order images.
Perhaps you can give us a few more details on what you’re hoping to achieve?
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Thanks a lot Linda !
My project, is to have hundreds of photos everyday, to upload them on the website, and every customer could navigate through them and chose which one to buy.
So my main worry is to be able to make bulk upload, quite quickly, for each category (galeries?), so each photo becomes a final product.
Each photo will have the same final price.
The only way to do that that I know of is to have a spreadsheet and import it that way. WC itself is unable to create products simply by you uploading a photo.
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Thank you @stefsternyc for the answer.
I thought WPPC Bulk Photo to Product Importer Extension for WooCommerce (Free) was supposed to do that?
I’m not aware of that plugin. Sorry. When I have to import 1000+ products I have the client create a spreadsheet from one I created then upload to database.
There was a company in Australia that made a plugin sorta do the same thing but not sure the name or where they are now
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No problem!
Anyway I didn’t test that plugin so far…