• Das Plugin funktionierte bisher gut, jedoch habe ich feststellen müssen, das diverse Code-Zeilen kaputt gehen.
    Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob es an WordPress oder an dem Plugin liegt, aber manche Wörter werden kaputt gemacht.
    Codezeilen werden dadurch ungültig.

    Als Beispiel:
    Eine nginx-Konfiguration enthält den Wert:

    Daraus wurde aber dann:

    Das ist doof 🙁

    Ein Knopf im Menüband, wo man Code einfach mit den passenden Tags einfügen kann, wäre auch sehr hilfreich.
    So muss ich die Tags immer von Hand passend setzen.

    (WP 5.8.1 – php7.4)

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Hoerli.
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  • Hi there,

    We primarily offer support in English, at this time, but I can use Google Translate to understand your messages, and respond in English I hope that’s ok?

    As an an example: An nginx configuration contains the value: fastcgi_split_pathfo But this then became: fastcgi_split_pathfo

    Can you give us a more detailed example of this so that I can test the issue and report it to our developers?

    >A button in the ribbon, where you can easily insert code with the appropriate tags, would also be very helpful.

    Please give us some more details about this too. What exactly are you looking to do here?

    Thread Starter Hoerli


    I’m still checking right now, but I think it’s because of WordPress.
    Here some parts of source code are interpreted as real source code and truncated.
    I have as an example a nginx configuration and in various parameters half is missing.
    I also just notice that in my first post even the error is there 🙁

    The problem can be easily reproduced.
    Just create a source code of a nginx configuration and see what happens.

    I have a post here: https://hoerli.net/nextcloud-installieren-komplette-installation-inkl-fix-der-probleme/
    It is in german but should be understandable with a translator.
    I had to write some comments in the nginx configuration, from broken places that need to be fixed by hand.
    At HTTPS-Config, the line 45, 50 and 52 are actually broken. There must be a space replaced with a _ in parameters for it to work.

    Hey @hoerli,

    I’ve tried to reproduce your issue but without success.

    Here’s what I did:

    * Copied the nginx config (MIT HTTPS section) from the blog post.
    * Created a new blog post.
    * Inserted the config into a SyntaxHighlighter Code block using Plain Text as the code language.
    * Replaced fastcgi_split_path info with fastcgi_split_path_info and $fastcgi_path info with $fastcgi_path_info.
    * Preview the post. (result)

    My suggestion is to try and isolate the problem. You can start by disabling all other plugins and changing the theme to Twenty Twenty-One.

    If that doesn’t work, please share a few screenshots of the editor (or a video) and provide a detailed step-by-step guide on how to reproduce the issue.

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