You can call wp redis flush
via cronjob on an interval if you like. You don’t need to flush the cache regularly however, it will keep itself fresh.
Hi, thanks for your quick response @tillkruess
- It keeps itself fresh? Does that mean it flushes itself from time to time or how do I have to understand that? If it does then I might not need to add a cronjob.
- Anyway, I realized something else when I checked the “Diagnostics” tab: I am using BuddyBoss and apparently some BB components like for example “bp_friends_requests”, “bp_friends_friendships” or ” bp_messages” are in the “Global Groups” section, meaning they are cashed.
I am not sure if these components are automatically detected by Redis or were manually added but according to BuddyBoss they should not be cashed. Could you please let me know how can I remove them from the group/being cashed?
3. (FYI, some components in the “Diagnostics” list do not exist like e.g. “bp_member”, the correct BuddyBoss component name is “bp_members()”).
I’m not too familiar with BuddyBoss, but their support team is very competent when it comes to object caching. They can probably tell you with groups to ignore.
Hi, I am sorry to reopen this thread, I was abroad for business.
I understand you want me to ask BuddyBoss but isnt Redis your plugin?
I was checking the backend admin section again and I do not see any option to check or uncheck any options that I want to cache.
My hope was that you would be able and helpful to either let me know me how I can stop certain components from being cached (I assume Redis does this automatically as I did not specify anything when I installed it, pls correct me if I am mistaken) or you would guide me in the right direction.
Do I need to modify the Redis template files or how can I ensure some aspects do not get cached?
Or is Redis out-of-the-box a always cache all solution?
Kind regards and sorry again for asking so late.
The BuddyBoss team is very competent when it comes to object caching, they can answer all your questions. I’m not familiar with BuddyBoss.