• Resolved ops159


    This text never changes whether the product is away or on the single product page. I tried ready-made css codes for this. but it is written above the sale text. The sale text inside the box does not change. Similar to the sale post, the out of stock post is the same. both do not change when the product is visible in the distance. it won’t change anytime soon. Who helps with this?
    I scanned the pages with these articles, but when I changed it there, it still did not take effect.

    picture 1
    Picture 2

    sale code !
    <span class=”onsale”><span class=”saled”>Sale</span></span>
    <span class=”saled”>Sale</span>

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Niels Lange


    Hello @ops159,

    I am sorry I am having trouble trying to see the issue you are describing. Could you please provide me with exact steps to reproduce the issue you are having along with what you expected to happen and what is actually happening?

    Thread Starter ops159


    I want to translate text names to Turkish. but i can’t
    ie (I need to translate the sale text and the out of stock text into another language.

    Thread Starter ops159


    @nielslange I meant the texts on the product in picture 1 and picture 2.

    Plugin Support Daniyal Ahmed (a11n)


    Hi there,

    Thanks for getting back to us.

    You can do this by using a free translation plugin like Loco Translate.  I know it may sound strange to “translate” your own language, but it works. 🙂 This will allow you to find that phrase and change it to be what you’d like.


    Thread Starter ops159


    Dear gentleman

    That plugin didn’t work when I used it.
    also i don’t really want to use that plugin. because there are only two words that I need in Turkish. I turned the rest. but how can i achieve these without using that plugin. Loco doesn’t work anyway.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by ops159.
    Plugin Support Raif D. a11n


    Hi @ops159!

    Thank you for the additional details. If you want to edit it at the code level please check out WooCommerce Code Reference.

    Additionally, if you do not like Loco Translate another plugin like Say What? is a very popular option.

    Finally, from the pictures you have provided, it looks like the single-product template is being overwritten by your theme so maybe the theme developers could offer a better solution here?

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter ops159



    thank you for your suggestions
    1: WooCommerce Code Reference. / my head does not understand these codes.
    2. say what : Plugins for hosting are overloading. (but maybe if i can’t i will try solution with code

    3. I’m sorry I messed with this theme. Theme support asks for money for everything.

    Plugin Support con



    Hi again,

    Another option would be something like: https://wordpress.org/plugins/real-time-find-and-replace/

    You can use it to change the text on the fly.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter ops159


    @conschneider I will try a suitable time
    thank you

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