Plugin Author
Hi @e12ror
Thanks for using the plugin.
Just to understand a bit more about your suggestion, you mean add support for RTL to plugin settings page or to the avatar image itself?
Thanks for your reply
Yeah in the admin panel. I meant the translations, all translation in are in waiting and aren’t accepted. I think you should accept it to be usable for everyone.
Could I rename my desired font to NotoSansArabic-Bold and NotoSansArabic-Regular and put it in public\fonts? will it work or not? (there is no option for changing font)
and last suggestion: it would be great if you could make a regenerate or delete all option for previous created avatars.
Plugin Author
I believe translations are approved by wordpress translation editors, in the particular language. Unfortunately I am not editor for such language
I think that should work but, you will lose the change on every plugin update, therefore you will need to put it back on each update :(. I suggest you use the plugin hooks to handle such scenario
I am actually working in exactly that feature, it should be ready soon.
Thanks you @e12ror