Plugin Support
What is the URL to the feed you’re trying to submit to Spotify?
You may want to try your podcast only feed as noted in PowerPress settings:
Your blog feed uses your website’s description which apparently is blank.
Why did you mark this topic as resolved?
The problem still persists even when I added blog description.
Furthermore I have tried to use the dedicated podcast feed and iTunes rejects it as well as the regular feed. Spotify now tells me that there is an missing email field (dedicated podcast feed).
Hello @infolotnicze,
Your original thread you said you only had a problem with Spotify, not Apple Podcasts. Anytime I reply with an answer I mark the thread resolved. We will keep replying if you keep replying with problems, do not worry.
Please reply with the error message from Apple podcasts (previously iTunes).
As far as Spotify, your show now has a description if you use feed, i see the iTunes:owner email address field is set. It may be that your server has caching, try clearing your sites caches then try submitting to Spotify again.
Also are you submitting to Spotify directly or through
Thank you for clarifying.
I have used feedburner but was reading an article on Blubrry about ditching it in favor for own feed system so I waited with the iTunes to get that sorted out.
The Spotify problem is very strange. With feedburner it worked ok. With PowerPress it wants the email although it is there.
To further investigate I have set up a page with a php template which works as a subscription feed. If you check it all of the data is there but Spotify again is requesting email.
I have also tried the link with iTunes and ti is validated there but after submitting it I get an email in a few seconds that it was rejected. So this is bizarre.
The same goes for, and
It is either something on the iTunes side or on my server company side. The thing is that I don’t get error logs so how can I fine tune it to get it working? iTunes gives nothing. It just removes the submission and I have to start all over again. Their help team also replies without clear answers and with huge delay.
Plugin Support
Everything validates just fine with your feed here:
Is this the actual feed you submitted to Apple via Podcasts Connect that was then rejected? Or was it a FeedBurner feed?
Yes it is. I just did a resubmit. All went through but after a while it is gone from the iTunes submission page.
Spotify still gives error with the lack of email.
Dear Podcast Provider,
An error was encountered while trying to add your feed, [ ].
Please correct the error and submit your feed again. For additional information, please consult the podcast FAQ at and technical specification at
The iTunes Store team
But no info on how to corect it.
This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by infolotnicze.
Plugin Support
Your current SSL provider isn’t on Apple’s approved SSL provider list. You need to switch to a provider that’s on the list:
Just a heads up.
The SSL is just fine – Comodo is on Apple list and Comodo has just changed name.
To try to dissect the problem I have removed the plugin and tried with the page mentioned above and after a bit of back and forth with Apple it worked but I assume that the plugin would also work. After all of this I have decided to stick with the rss page made by me. The whole process took to much energy and I don’t want to do it again.
To sum things up – your plugin works, and thank you for your time and help.
Hello @infolotnicze,
The feed URL goes to a 404 page, are you sure you have PowerPress plugin enabled? ?If it is not enabled the feed will not be available.