• I’d like to start by saying I am pretty new to web design of any kind.

    I started http://www.feedimagination.com last night as a blog page just for fun really. I know it looks prett crap, I’m still trying to get things to sit where I want them but I do at least have an artist working on a better banner/background combo for me.

    Ok so I’m having some problems getting things to sit where I want them but through trail and error they’re starting to get there.

    I use mozilla firefox normally but I used IE to check it would read ok under that browser and it got worse. With mozilla things sit pretty badly but I can move them so I can sort that.. with IE things sit far too close to the left and I’m not sure why.

    I had taken a basic layout from open source web designs, reduced them to a basic frame and changed things so they suited me a little better. I then split it up into header,footer,sidebar and index to use it with wordpress but I couldnt get anything in style.css to change what IE saw so I tried to move everything back into index.. which made no difference either.

    Sorry for the bother, I’m sure its been asked before but I’ve been searching for a while and cant find an answer.

    Thanks in advance,

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