• Resolved astrologiamb


    I am using wpvividbackup to backup my production site and then I am using localwp.app on my Mac to restore the site and try new plugins before deploying them on my production site.
    It was working fine but today I tried to restore a fresh backup on my local site and the restore just freezes. I have tried and older backup with the same issue.
    I dont get any errors.
    Any ideas on what can I try differently?

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  • Plugin Support tonyrobins


    Hi @astrologiamb

    You can try to increase the ‘PHP memory limit for restoration’ to 512 MB in WPvivid Settings > Advanced Settings. Then if possible, change ‘max_allowed_packet’ in your database to 32MB or higher. After that, run another restore.

    When running a restore, please do not refresh or close the restore page until a success or failed message appears, as the restoration is actually still running in the background until that.

    If you get a restore timeout error, also increase the ‘PHP script execution timeout for restore’ in WPvivid Settings > Advanced Settings to 3600s (try 7200s or higher if the error persists).

    All the best,

    Thread Starter astrologiamb


    I getting the message:
    website restore time out
    I chechekd our message errors :

    0. Website restore timeout
    Cause: The error is a restore timeout error that typically occurs when the website you are trying to restore is too large for your web hosting.
    Solution: Consider upgrading your web hosting plan.
    If you are sure that, that is not the cause (say your website files are less than 300MB or your database is less than 100MB), please contact us.

    And since the restore in on my own mac I know I do not have resource issues. I am using local.app to run wordpress on my mac.

    Plugin Support tonyrobins


    Hi @astrologiamb

    You can try to adjust the settings suggested in this doc, including the Litespeed server.

    Make sure to adjust each settings mentioned in the docs, and if adjusting these settings does not solve the issue, can you send us a debug zip(you can download it from WPvivid plugin’s Debug tab) to contact(at)wpvivid.com to help troubleshoot it?

    All the best,

    Thread Starter astrologiamb


    Still getting the same error
    I could not download the debug file, so I copied it:

    version 0.9.70
    home_url http://mariablaquiercom.local
    abspath /Users/apple/Local Sites/mariablaquiercom/app/public/
    wp_content_path /Users/apple/Local Sites/mariablaquiercom/app/public/wp-content
    wp_plugin_path /Users/apple/Local Sites/mariablaquiercom/app/public/wp-content/plugins
    active_plugins wpvivid-backuprestore/wpvivid-backuprestore.php
    multisite disable
    web_server nginx/1.16.0
    php_version 7.4.1
    mysql_version 8.0.16
    wp_debug false
    language en-US
    upload_max_filesize 300M
    max_execution_time 900
    max_input_vars 4000
    timezone UTC+0
    OS Darwin MacBook-Air.local 21.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.1.0: Wed Oct 13 17:33:24 PDT 2021; root:xnu-8019.41.5~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8101 x86_64
    memory_current 4.26MB
    memory_peak 4.28MB
    memory_limit 256M
    post_max_size 1000M
    allow_url_fopen 1
    safe_mode false
    pcre.backtrack_limit 1000000
    exif support
    xml support
    suhosin not support
    IPTC support
    extensions Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, hash, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, SPL, iconv, json, mbstring, session, standard, pcntl, mysqlnd, PDO, pdo_mysql, Phar, posix, Reflection, mysqli, shmop, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, exif, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, cgi-fcgi, imagick, Zend OPcache, xdebug
    pdo_mysql support
    PclZip support
    wp_prefix wp_
    fast_cgi Off`

    Plugin Support tonyrobins


    Hi @astrologiamb

    Can you also send us the full restore log?

    All the best,

    Thread Starter astrologiamb


    Sorry I cant
    I can not log in as admin
    I get a message that I do not have the permissions although the id and password are correct

    Thread Starter astrologiamb


    I will send you the debug info from my production server, the one I am backing up.
    What I cant do is restore it on my local pc.
    I will send if using my email cursos@mariablaquier.com

    Plugin Support tonyrobins


    Sure. Thanks for your update.

    Plugin Support tonyrobins


    The user has successfully restored the site on a local site on Windows.

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