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  • I’m having the same issue. Any ideas?

    Thread Starter Cashlin


    Okay — this somewhat clunky but functional method worked for me.

    1. Open the file otw-portfolio-post.php (I have copied this into my theme files so plugin updates won’t overwrite it).

    2. Find this code (this assumes you have not altered the code):
    echo '<li data-thumb="'.$url[0].'" style="width: 700px; float: left; display: block;"><img alt="" src="'.$url[0].'"></li>';

    3. Add this CSS to the style=”” part:
    max-width:100%; height:auto; background-size: 100%; 100%;

    It should now read like this:
    echo '<li data-thumb="'.$url[0].'" style="width: 700px; float: left; display: block; max-width:100%; height:auto; background-size:100% 100%;"><img alt="" src="'.$url[0].'"></li>';

    4. Save, upload. Done.

    Hey Cashlin

    Thank you for your help!

    I didn’t pay close enough attention when adding on to your topic, which is about the single post display.

    What I want to change is the scaling of the thumbnails within the grid view of all items in the filterable portfolio (

    I looked in the filterable portfolio’s php file, but couldn’t find a similar entry.

    Could you possible help me achieve this with another tip possibly?

    I appreciate you taking the time

    Thread Starter Cashlin


    So you want to make them smaller? Or show 4 across + make them smaller?

    Please see this post, that has an answer concerning resizing the entry thumbnails:

    Thread Starter Cashlin


    If this is not what you mean, please open a new thread so this thread doesn’t go off-topic. Marking this thread as solved.

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