• Johan


    My theme has a really annoying color pre setting (a colour picker) that I want to change without making changes to the parent theme.
    My question is if the below is possible to change within the functions.php ?

    Set a metabox colurpicker to “none” 'default' => '' instad of 'default' => '#191919'

    The original code is in a file in parent theme called metaboxes.php and looks like this:

    $cmb_title->add_field( array(
    	    'name' => __( 'Title Text Color', 'wassap' ),
    	    'id'   => $prefix . 'color',
    	    'type' => 'colorpicker',
    	    'default'  => '#191919'
    	) );

    And again – what I want to do is to set the default to 'default' => '' with the help of funcions.php if that is possible!

    Thank you

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  • lalitpendhare


    Hi johan,

    I need to check function of this code and also need to be check which action or filter it is used.

    So, please provide me those details so I can help to resolve your issue.

    Justin Sternberg


    It can definitely be done but you’ll need to tell me the metabox ID. Find the part where you see $cmb_title = new_cmb2_box(… and let me know what the 'id' property is for the box. I’ll also need to know what the $prefix value is (look for the place where you see $prefix = 'SOMEVALUE_';).

    Thread Starter Johan


    Hello and thanks for your replies!
    I guess you mean this part?

    $prefix = '_weston_header_';

    Is this the ID you mean:

    	$cmb_title = new_cmb2_box( array(
    		'id'            => $prefix . 'options',
    		'title'         => __( 'Title Area Options', 'weston' ),
    		'object_types'  => array( 'page', 'project', 'post', 'product'), // Post type
    		'context'       => 'normal',
    		'priority'      => 'high',
    		'show_names'    => true
    	) );
    Justin Sternberg


    That should do it as long as the prefixes match. So this should do it:

    function yourprefix_update_header_color_field_default() {
    	$cmb = cmb2_get_metabox( '_weston_header_options' );
    	if ( $cmb ) {
    		$cmb->update_field_property( '_weston_header_color', 'default', '' );
    add_action( 'cmb2_init_before_hookup', 'yourprefix_update_header_color_field_default' );
    Thread Starter Johan


    @jtsternberg I tried to copy this to the child theme funcions.php but when creating a new page it sill picks #191919 as default I’m afraid….

    Thread Starter Johan


    Don’t know if you need this but this is the whole part reguarding the Header Options and Title Options…

    //Header Options
    add_action( 'cmb2_init', 'weston_register_header_metabox' );
    function weston_register_header_metabox() {
    	$prefix = '_weston_header_';
    	$cmb_header = new_cmb2_box( array(
    		'id'            => $prefix . 'options',
    		'title'         => __( 'Header Options', 'weston' ),
    		'object_types'  => array( 'project','page','post', 'product' ), // Post type
    		'context'       => 'normal',
    		'priority'      => 'high',
    		'show_names'    => true
    	) );
    	$cmb_header->add_field( array(
    		'name'             => __( 'Hide Header', 'weston' ),
    		'desc'             => __( 'Choose to hide or show the header on this page.', 'weston' ),
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'hide',
    		'type'             => 'select',
    		'options'          => array(
    			'no'   => __( 'No', 'weston' ),
    			'yes' => __( 'Yes', 'weston' )
    	) );
    	$cmb_header->add_field( array(
    		'name'             => __( 'Transparent Background', 'weston' ),
    		'desc'             => __( 'Make the site header background transparent on this page.', 'weston' ),
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'transparent_bg',
    		'type'             => 'select',
    		'options'          => array(
    			'no' => __( 'No', 'weston' ),
    			'yes'   => __( 'Yes', 'weston' )
    	) );
    	$cmb_header->add_field( array(
    		'name'             => __( 'Color Scheme', 'weston' ),
    		'desc'             => __( 'Make the contents of the header light or dark for this page. Only applies if Transparent Background is enabled.', 'weston' ),
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'color_scheme',
    		'type'             => 'select',
    		'options'          => array(
    			'dark' => __( 'Dark', 'weston' ),
    			'light'   => __( 'Light', 'weston' )
    	) );
    	$cmb_header->add_field( array(
    	    'name' => __( 'Menu Color', 'weston' ),
    	    'id'   => $prefix . 'menu_color',
    	    'type' => 'colorpicker',
    	    'default'  => ''
    	) );
    	$cmb_header->add_field( array(
    	    'name' => __( 'Menu Color Hover', 'weston' ),
    	    'id'   => $prefix . 'menu_hover_color',
    	    'type' => 'colorpicker',
    	    'default'  => ''
    	) );
    	$cmb_header->add_field( array(
    		'name'             => __( 'Main Menu', 'weston' ),
    		'desc'             => __( 'Select a different main menu to show on this page.', 'weston' ),
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'menu_main',
    		'type'             => 'select',
    		'options'          => customMenus(),
    	) );
    	$cmb_header->add_field( array(
    		'name'             => __( 'Mobile Menu', 'weston' ),
    		'desc'             => __( 'Select a different mobile menu to show on this page.', 'weston' ),
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'menu_mobile',
    		'type'             => 'select',
    		'options'          => customMenus(),
    	) );
    	$cmb_header->add_field( array(
    		'name'             => __( 'Left Menu (Split Header)', 'weston' ),
    		'desc'             => __( 'Select a different left menu to show on this page. For use with Split Header layout.', 'weston' ),
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'menu_left',
    		'type'             => 'select',
    		'options'          => customMenus(),
    	) );
    //Title Options
    add_action( 'cmb2_init', 'weston_register_title_metabox' );
    function weston_register_title_metabox() {
    	$prefix = '_weston_title_';
    	$cmb_title = new_cmb2_box( array(
    		'id'            => $prefix . 'options',
    		'title'         => __( 'Title Area Options', 'weston' ),
    		'object_types'  => array( 'page', 'project', 'post', 'product'), // Post type
    		'context'       => 'normal',
    		'priority'      => 'high',
    		'show_names'    => true
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name'             => __( 'Show Title Area', 'weston' ),
    		'desc'             => __( 'Hide or show the page title area.', 'weston' ),
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'show',
    		'type'             => 'select',
    		'show_option_none' => false,
    		'options'          => array(
    			'yes' => __( 'Yes', 'weston' ),
    			'no'   => __( 'No', 'weston' ),
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name'       => __( 'Subtitle Text', 'weston' ),
    		'desc'       => __( 'This text will be displayed below the title on pages and projects.', 'weston' ),
    		'id'         => $prefix . 'subtitle',
    		'type'       => 'text'
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name'             => __( 'Hide Text', 'weston' ),
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'hide_text',
    		'type'             => 'select',
    		'options'          => array(
    			'no'     => __( 'No', 'weston' ),
    			'yes'   => __( 'Yes', 'weston' ),
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name' => __( 'Title Image', 'weston' ),
    		'desc' => __( 'This image will appear above the title text.', 'weston' ),
    		'id'   => $prefix . 'img',
    		'type' => 'file',
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name'             => __( 'Title Alignment', 'weston' ),
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'alignment',
    		'type'             => 'select',
    		'options'          => array(
    			''     => __( 'Default', 'weston' ),
    			'center'     => __( 'Center', 'weston' ),
    			'left'   => __( 'Left', 'weston' ),
    			'right'   => __( 'Right', 'weston' )
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name' => __( 'Title Area Height', 'weston' ),
    		'desc' => __( 'Set the height of the title area in pixels. (ex. 400)', 'weston' ),
    		'id'   => $prefix . 'area_height',
    		'type' => 'text_small'
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name' => __( 'Title Background Image', 'weston' ),
    		'desc' => __( 'Upload an image or enter a URL.', 'weston' ),
    		'id'   => $prefix . 'bg_img',
    		'type' => 'file',
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name'             => __( 'Enable Background Parallax', 'weston' ),
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'parallax',
    		'type'             => 'select',
    		'options'          => array(
    			'no'     => __( 'No', 'weston' ),
    			'yes'   => __( 'Yes', 'weston' ),
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    	    'name' => __( 'Title Text Color', 'weston' ),
    	    'id'   => $prefix . 'color',
    	    'type' => 'colorpicker',
    	    'default'  => '#FFFFFF'
    	) );
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Johan.
    Thread Starter Johan


    got it! I gave you the wring prefix I think. Just changed it to the _weston_title_ instead and now its working!

    function no_default_color() {
    	$cmb = cmb2_get_metabox( '_weston_title_options' );
    	if ( $cmb ) {
    		$cmb->update_field_property( '_weston_title_color', 'default', '' );
    add_action( 'cmb2_init_before_hookup', 'no_default_color' );



    you just copy and paste this function in your child theme and make changes as you need. that’s work awesome!!

    function weston_register_title_metabox() {
    	$prefix = '_weston_title_';
    	$cmb_title = new_cmb2_box( array(
    		'id'            => $prefix . 'options',
    		'title'         => __( 'Title Area Options', 'weston' ),
    		'object_types'  => array( 'page', 'project', 'post', 'product'), // Post type
    		'context'       => 'normal',
    		'priority'      => 'high',
    		'show_names'    => true
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name'             => __( 'Show Title Area', 'weston' ),
    		'desc'             => __( 'Hide or show the page title area.', 'weston' ),
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'show',
    		'type'             => 'select',
    		'show_option_none' => false,
    		'options'          => array(
    			'yes' => __( 'Yes', 'weston' ),
    			'no'   => __( 'No', 'weston' ),
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name'       => __( 'Subtitle Text', 'weston' ),
    		'desc'       => __( 'This text will be displayed below the title on pages and projects.', 'weston' ),
    		'id'         => $prefix . 'subtitle',
    		'type'       => 'text'
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name'             => __( 'Hide Text', 'weston' ),
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'hide_text',
    		'type'             => 'select',
    		'options'          => array(
    			'no'     => __( 'No', 'weston' ),
    			'yes'   => __( 'Yes', 'weston' ),
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name' => __( 'Title Image', 'weston' ),
    		'desc' => __( 'This image will appear above the title text.', 'weston' ),
    		'id'   => $prefix . 'img',
    		'type' => 'file',
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name'             => __( 'Title Alignment', 'weston' ),
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'alignment',
    		'type'             => 'select',
    		'options'          => array(
    			''     => __( 'Default', 'weston' ),
    			'center'     => __( 'Center', 'weston' ),
    			'left'   => __( 'Left', 'weston' ),
    			'right'   => __( 'Right', 'weston' )
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name' => __( 'Title Area Height', 'weston' ),
    		'desc' => __( 'Set the height of the title area in pixels. (ex. 400)', 'weston' ),
    		'id'   => $prefix . 'area_height',
    		'type' => 'text_small'
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name' => __( 'Title Background Image', 'weston' ),
    		'desc' => __( 'Upload an image or enter a URL.', 'weston' ),
    		'id'   => $prefix . 'bg_img',
    		'type' => 'file',
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    		'name'             => __( 'Enable Background Parallax', 'weston' ),
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'parallax',
    		'type'             => 'select',
    		'options'          => array(
    			'no'     => __( 'No', 'weston' ),
    			'yes'   => __( 'Yes', 'weston' ),
    	) );
    	$cmb_title->add_field( array(
    	    'name' => __( 'Title Text Color', 'weston' ),
    	    'id'   => $prefix . 'color',
    	    'type' => 'colorpicker',
    	    'default'  => ''
    	) );
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