Hello installationcomplete,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Generally, we have added the condition that, woocommerce required for this plugin.
But, yes we are planing to make woocommerce optional for this plugin in our next release version.
If you want to make woocommerce option right now then, please do below small change and it will work for you.
File path: “wp-content\plugins\mass-pagesposts-creator\mass-pages-posts-creator.php”
Function name: mass_page_post_creator_initialize_plugin
Just add one line given below rest all the code remove from this function.
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'mpc_pages_posts_creator' );
Let me know after doing above changes how it works.
Hello installationcomplete ,
We apologize for the inconvenience with a plugin issue.
We have released new version 2.0.4 right now as you can see in change log.
Please update our plugin to the latest version and let me know how it works.
Kindly please revise your review and ratings.