• Resolved bodzio16



    As for watermark it would be nice to have more options related to adding a watermark as a image.
    – For example changing the percentage size of watermark regarding to photo size. ow for biiger photos the watermark might be too small, or for smaller to big.
    – setting a margin (px) when adding a watermark in one of the corners
    – also a checkbox to setup watermark settings says that it will also watermark all photos on upload, I think the setting should be sepperate – you can always manually add watermark…

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  • Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    – For example changing the percentage size of watermark regarding to photo size. ow for biiger photos the watermark might be too small, or for smaller to big.

    This will be investigated. Is a good request.

    – setting a margin (px) when adding a watermark in one of the corners

    If you create an image watermark, you should add the transparent margin to the image, so you have this automatically.

    – also a checkbox to setup watermark settings says that it will also watermark all photos on upload, I think the setting should be sepperate – you can always manually add watermark…

    If you select a watermark file/type and position in Table IX-F3, this will be the default (pre-selected) watermark setting on the upload screen. So, if you do not change the watermarksetting on the upload screen, all photos will be automatically wayermarked upon upload.

    Thread Starter bodzio16


    – For example changing the percentage size of watermark regarding to photo size. ow for biiger photos the watermark might be too small, or for smaller to big.

    This will be investigated. Is a good request.


    – setting a margin (px) when adding a watermark in one of the corners

    If you create an image watermark, you should add the transparent margin to the image, so you have this automatically.

    Sure, but if possible this option would be very usefull.

    – also a checkbox to setup watermark settings says that it will also watermark all photos on upload, I think the setting should be sepperate – you can always manually add watermark…

    If you select a watermark file/type and position in Table IX-F3, this will be the default (pre-selected) watermark setting on the upload screen. So, if you do not change the watermarksetting on the upload screen, all photos will be automatically wayermarked upon upload.

    OK, thanks.

    Also a option to restore / remove watermark would be usefull.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    In Table IX-F3 you can set the default watermark. New photos will have that watermark, unless you specify a different one on the upload or import screen.

    On the album admin -> Edit Album Information screen yu can select a different watermark. If you click the Remake All button, the photos in this album will all get this watermark. If you want different watermarks per album, you should do this, and avoid the initial watermark from the default setting in Table IX.

    If you save sources (this is very important when you use watermarks) you can remove or change the watermark. Select te new watrmark on the photo admin page in the box of the photo, and click the Remake files button.

    I changed the warning text that you get when you click the Apply watermark button, to inform you of these possibilities, that depend of the configuration.

    A little bit confusing may be that your personal most recent watermark setting is saved, and will be suggested on the successive photo admin pages.

    I added the size and margin settings for you in version 7.1.01, to be released asap.

    See Table IX-F13 and Table IX-F13 to specify size and margin of the watermark placement.

    Thread Starter bodzio16



    I uploaded files again, one by one, then I remade the files and in the album admin all files have the watermark, but not in the gallery (lightbox) on the website… What might be wrong?

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Lightbox uses the original source image files. Source files always stay untouched, to enable the remake without watermark.

    Untick Table IV-G6 to use the watermarked (resized) images.

    If these are too small. select a larger size in Table I-A3 and remake the files.

    Thread Starter bodzio16



    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Did you find the size and margin settings in the latest version 7.1.01?

    Added Table IX-F13 and Table IX-F14 to specify size and margin of the watermark placement.

    Thread Starter bodzio16


    Sure, works OK! Thanks!

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