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  • Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Hi KatieKat do you have any of the Brute Force enabled? Do you also have the Unlock option set up in the plugin?

    Thread Starter KatieKat


    Hi there,
    Following set

    Enable Login Lockdown Feature
    Allow Unlock Requests
    Max Login Attempts 2
    Login Retry Time Period 1
    Time Length of Lockout 2
    Display Generic Error Message
    Notify By Email

    Rename Login Page Settings – Yes
    Nothing at all set in Brute Force Prevention Firewall Settings
    Login Captcha – No
    Login Whitelist – No
    Honeypot – Yes

    Hope this helps

    Kind Regards


    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Hi what is the URL you are sent too when you request to be unlocked?

    Thread Starter KatieKat


    Hi there,
    I think it is going to the website name e.g

    newnameofmylogin is the one entered on the Rename Login Page Settings.

    However I can’t be sure because when I press the unlock button it looks as if it is going somewhere but then automatically defaults to the blank page with the same title in the url

    I’m not actually sure it is going anywhere.

    Kind regards


    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Hi KatieKat, is this the first time you get locked out? Or you have being locked out a few times already? Why do you get locked out, is it because you entered the wrong login details or is it for other reason?


    Thread Starter KatieKat


    Hi there,
    My website is not yet live so I am testing the functionality at the moment to make sure it works. I deliberately lock myself out and then try and use the unlock and like I said it just goes to a blank screen.

    Kind regards


    Plugin Contributor wpsolutions


    Can you please check your server log files to see if there may be any entries which are related to this issue?

    Thread Starter KatieKat


    Nothing in the log files that I can see.

    Are you able to provide me with an email address / private link so I can set you up as a user and you can see the issue for yourself.

    Alternatively can you tell me what page I am supposed to be going to for the unlock.

    Also I am currently having a problem not receiving email notifications – not sure if it is related but I am working on the issue.

    Kind regards


    Thread Starter KatieKat


    Hi there,
    apologies but I have not heard anything back since my last update.

    Kind regards


    Plugin Contributor wpsolutions


    Hi KatieKat,
    If you’d like us to personally log into your site and assist you with your issue please see our support page where you can get in direct contact with us:

    Thread Starter KatieKat


    Hi there,
    Decided to do some more testing before going through your premium support and have discovered that the problem is definitely my theme Woothemes Canvas.

    Disabled all plugins and issue was still there but when I reverted to Twenty Twelve theme the appropriate screen came up.

    Any idea on what the issue could be with the theme.

    Kind regards


    Thread Starter KatieKat


    Hi there,
    just found this link although I do not have Woocommerce.–BUG-Plugin-Conflict-with-All-in-One-WP-Security-and-Firewall-

    Hope it helps.

    Kind Regards


    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    @katiekat from the following comment you have discovered that with one of WordPress default themes it works.

    Disabled all plugins and issue was still there but when I reverted to Twenty Twelve theme the appropriate screen came up.

    If the issue is with the theme, unfortunately you have to get in contact with the theme developers. We have no control over themes.

    I hope that helps you.

    Kind regards

    Plugin Contributor wpsolutions


    I also saw this which indicates that they have applied a fix to their theme:

    Thread Starter KatieKat


    Thanks to you both. I don’t have woocommerce loaded so will speak to Woothemes to get this sorted. As they look as if they have a similar fix before hopefully it won’t be too difficult.

    I shall leave this open for the meantime and then publish the code when it’s fixed.

    Thanks for all your help.

    Kind Regards


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