• Resolved dumboxp


    Dear Greg,

    Some of our users were complaining that the “Manage > Renew Ad”-form is broken. The issue seems to be caused by the radio button of the price selection that it not displayed due to an UI/CSS issue.

    When the button “Renew” is clicked (without selecting the invisible radio button), the error “Field cannot be empty.” is displayed.

    It is also reproducible in your current WPAdverts Demo at e.g. https://demo.wpadverts.com/pro/manage/?advert_id=33&advert_renew=33:

    As a workaround I added the following custom CSS to make sure the radio button is rendered:

    .wpadverts-form.wpa-border-none input[type="radio"] {
    border-width: 3px !important;
    border-color: gray !important;
    • This topic was modified 3 months ago by dumboxp.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Greg Winiarski



    please note the form fields styling depends on your settings in the wp-admin / Classifieds / Options / Default Styles panel, but if you want to make the radio buttons more distintctive you can keep the workaround in the Additional CSS panel.

    I will also take a look at it in the next release to see if the radio field needs an update in some configurations.

    Thread Starter dumboxp


    Thanks, I changed the global design settings of forms to emphasize the form elements which works fine for me now.

    Anyhow, I still think something is not fully right with the styles of radio field – thanks for looking into it.

    Some ideas to improve user experience:

    • Maybe radio button form elements it could be added to the preview in the design settings too.
    • It would be great to include the pricing information on the radio button’s label to make it easily clickable.
    • Preselect the radio button of a price if only one is available in the renew ad form.
    • This reply was modified 3 months ago by dumboxp.
    Plugin Author Greg Winiarski


    Thanks for the suggestions, i think the first one will definitely be implemented, for the other two i cannot tell for sure right now but i will take a look at it.

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