• I’m using the American Football theme and I want to remove the title and slogan of my site in the header. The one that is generated in the header. I just want to create a custome header with the title on it. What line of code should I delete to remove the title and slogan text?

    Here is the code:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
    <head profile="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>; charset=<?php bloginfo('charset'); ?>" />
    <title><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> <?php if ( is_single() ) { ?> &raquo; Blog Archive <?php } ?> <?php wp_title(); ?></title>
    <meta name="generator" content="WordPress <?php bloginfo('version'); ?>" /> <!-- leave this for stats -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <!--[if lte IE 6]>
    <style type="text/css">
    .postline {
    	filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/line.png');
    .sidebar h2 {
    	filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/h2.png');
    	<div class="wrapper">
    		<div class="top">
    			<div class="blogname">
    				<h1><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></h1>
    				<h2><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></h2>
    			<div class="search">
    				<form id="searchform" method="get" action="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>/">
    						<input type="text" name="s" id="s" />
    						<input type="submit" value="" id="submit" />
    		<div class="menu">
    				<li><a href="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>/">Home</a></li>
    				<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=1'); ?>
    		<div class="line"></div>
    		<div class="content">

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  • It is not that hard to find:

    <div class="blogname">
    	<h1><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></h1>
    	<h2><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></h2>

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