• Helllllo WordPressers,
    So there seems to be a long standing issue with errors on removing old WordPress plugins when trying to do automatic updates. I have searched far and wide for a solution, and have found one… but have no idea what to do with it, and would love your lovely advice.

    I have been having some trouble with my server permissions in my WordPress install that has caused some problems with upgrading plugins. My question is, I found a solution to said problem that included doing a line of code like so:

    chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www

    Problem is, I have no idea how to do this. I understand it will fix my server issues with permissions, but I am not sure how. Where do I add this code? What do I do with this? What if my servers are windows based and not apatche?

    Information from:

    Any help or advice would truly be appreciated.

    With love and admiration,
    Laura 😀

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