• I love this slider.
    Unlike all the other posts I want NO BORDERS
    I am using the widget. 1.3.2
    I have made css file in themes/mytheme/
    I know it is ok because I had to move and point path to nav buttons which then worked fine.

    I have tried many iterations of no border property under many elements.
    But still have a white 4px border on the slides.

    I don’t actually get why the css file as you had it is allowing a border.

    .meteor-slides .mslide img {
    border: 0;
    display: block;
    margin: auto !important;
    padding: 0;

    I have tried
    border: none border.style: none border: none; 0px; border: 0 none and more under pretty much every element in the css file too.

    Please Help….

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