• Hello,

    I am trying to reconcile two plugins (Sweet Captcha and New User Approve) so that users must correctly fill out their Captcha before NUA gets a hold of them and creates the approval email to admins.

    This raises an issue with the WP core because wp-login is currently coded as follows:

    327 	      do_action( 'register_post', $sanitized_user_login, $user_email, $errors );
    329 	      $errors = apply_filters( 'registration_errors', $errors, $sanitized_user_login, $user_email );

    Sweet Captcha plugs into registration_errors to add errors when it is improperly filled out. NUA plugs into the register_post action to create an admin approval email. I think as a structural matter that these two lines of code should be switched. Plugins should be able to do whatever they want to the error list BEFORE plugins can handle the registration post data.

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