• Hello, i have website where i am deleting something. And i am also showing total number of records somewhere at the top of the page.

    now what i want to do is that when i delete my record. i also want to refresh that div. so i can get exact number of records..

    what is happening right now is that when i delete the record using AJAX it is working but it is not refreshing my number of total records. i have to refresh the page that i can see the exact total records..

    does anyone know how to do this? i am using wordpress AJAx function..

    This is my delete funtion

    if( !function_exists( 'delete_post_item' ) )
    	add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_delete_post_item', 'delete_post_item' );
    	add_action( 'wp_ajax_delete_post_item', 'delete_post_item' );
    	function delete_post_item()
    		$post_id = $_POST['post_id'];
    		if($post_id != '')
    			global $wpdb;
    			$delete_query = "delete query ";
    		$response = array(
    			$xmlResponse = new WP_Ajax_Response($response);

    please can anyone know how to do that?
    how can i refresh div1 and div2..

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