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  • Moderator t-p


    See if this plugin can work for you:

    Thread Starter l0we2trave1


    Thank You! That is exatcly what I was looking for.
    For the first impressions it is not working. When the user is simple user, it does not redirects to registration form. I have to see, maybe other plugins are blocking gateway or something….
    Is there something similar for that what you gave to me? Maybe I can try something else later. Thank You!

    Hi l0we2trave1,

    In case if the plugin is not working for you. You can try this code:

    function ps_redirect_user_by_role() { 
            $current_user   = wp_get_current_user();
            $role_name      = $current_user->roles[0];
            if ( 'subscriber' === $role_name ) {
                wp_redirect( '' );//URL where you want to redirect
            if('administrator' === $role_name){
            	wp_redirect( '' ); 
            //same for other roles just check the role and redirect accordingly
    add_action( 'admin_init', 'ps_redirect_user_by_role' );

    Just paste it in your child theme’s functions.php file and it will do the trick for you. I have mentioned in the code how you can add redirection for other roles and where to enter the URL in the code.

    Hopefully, it will help you.


    Thread Starter l0we2trave1


    Hi, I used code snippets plugin to insert your code.

    It shows me error :

    The code snippet you are trying to save produced a fatal error on line 12:
    syntax error, unexpected ‘admin_init’ (T_STRING), expecting ‘,’ or ‘)’

    12 line ->
    add_action( ‘admin_init’, ‘ps_redirect_user_by_role’ );

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