• Resolved liplevins


    Do you plan to add Reddit share button?

    I find this plugin suitable, and I want to understand if I can use it further…

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  • Plugin Author westcoastdigital


    No, but if you look at the Details tab you will see a function that adds reddit support to the plugin

    function add_extra_icons($social_links) {
        $title = get_the_title();
        $url = urlencode( get_permalink() );
        $excerpt = wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), 40 );
        $thumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail_url( 'full' );
        $author = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name' , $author_id );
        // Swap your svg code
        $icon = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M14.238 15.348c. 0 .306-.465.462-1.194.687-2.231.687l-.008-.002-.008.002c-1.036 0-1.766-.225-2.231-.688-.085-.084-.085-.221 0-.305.084-.084.222-.084.307 0 .379.377 1.008.561 1.924.561l.008.002.008-.002c.915 0 1.544-.184 1.924-.561.085-.084.223-.084.307 0zm-3.44-2.418c0-.507-.414-.919-.922-.919-.509 0-.923.412-.923.919 0 .506.414.918.923.918.508.001.922-.411.922-.918zm13.202-.93c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12s-12-5.373-12-12 5.373-12 12-12 12 5.373 12 12zm-5-.129c0-.851-.695-1.543-1.55-1.543-.417 0-.795.167-1.074.435-1.056-.695-2.485-1.137-4.066-1.194l.865-2.724 2.343.549-.003.034c0 .696.569 1.262 1.268 1.262.699 0 1.267-.566 1.267-1.262s-.568-1.262-1.267-1.262c-.537 0-.994.335-1.179.804l-2.525-.592c-.11-.027-.223.037-.257.145l-.965 3.038c-1.656.02-3.155.466-4.258 1.181-.277-.255-.644-.415-1.05-.415-.854.001-1.549.693-1.549 1.544 0 .566.311 1.056.768 1.325-.03.164-.05.331-.05.5 0 2.281 2.805 4.137 6.253 4.137s6.253-1.856 6.253-4.137c0-.16-.017-.317-.044-.472.486-.261.82-.766.82-1.353zm-4.872.141c-.509 0-.922.412-.922.919 0 .506.414.918.922.918s.922-.412.922-.918c0-.507-.413-.919-.922-.919z"/></svg>';
        $extra_icons = array(
            '<a href="https://reddit.com/submit?url={' . $url . '}&title={' . $title . '}" class="add-share" title="' . __( 'Add this post!', 'gp-social' ) . '">' . $icon . '</a>',
        // combine the two arrays
        $social_links = array_merge($extra_icons, $social_links);
        return $social_links;
    add_filter('add_social_icons', 'add_extra_icons');

    So I know this is a very newby question but where do you add this code?
    I tried to stuff it in my sitewide CSS and it threw a pile of errors at me.

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