noone experiences the same problem?
Problem solved.
I am running polish (default) and english.
What needs to be done is the wp_default_secert_key value must be the same in 3 files.
wp-content/languages file PL_pl.php should contain:
$wp_default_secret_key = 'whatever';
wp-config.php should contain:
define('AUTH_KEY', 'whatever'); // Change this to a unique phrase.
define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'whatever'); // Change this to a unique phrase.
define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'whatever'); // Change this to a unique phrase.
AND wp-settings.php should have there somewhere:
$wp_default_secret_key = 'whatever';
Hope that helps.
I can’t find any FR_fr.php or EN_en.php files at all, where are they please?
I suddenly wasn’t able to log on my account… Maybe did I enter a wrong password but now my pages in English (the default language) can’t be accessed at all, nor the admin panel.
I have no clue what happened, can anyone help?